Thursday Aug 08, 2013
ProdPod: Episode 68--Digital Clutter: Out of Sight Is Not Out of Mind
Thursday Aug 08, 2013
Thursday Aug 08, 2013
In this episode, I propose a three-phase approach to assessing our digital clutter…an initial step to understanding that just because we don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there and isn't affecting our personal productivity.
I. Assess where you currently have data. (storage and likely majority of it is reference)
In future episodes, I will talk about some strategies to reduce digital clutter.
Friday May 24, 2013
Friday May 24, 2013
You know the Golden Rule: do unto others as you would like have done unto you. Well, I think it needs an update for a modern era. Enter the Diamond Rule: do unto others as they would like done unto themselves.
Tuesday May 21, 2013
Tuesday May 21, 2013
In Episodes 53 and 54, I gave a brief overview of my "Pull Method" for more productive relationships. And, in the last episode I discussed Collecting Data for More Productive Relationships. So, in this episode, I am covering some thoughts and questions on analysis and synthesis of productive relationship data.
A fun project is to take the ten closest friends in your life, add up their annual salaries and take the modal average. Does it look familiar?
Thursday May 16, 2013
Thursday May 16, 2013
In Episodes 53 and 54, I gave a brief overview of my "Pull Method" for more productive relationships, so in this episode I am going to outline how I collect and analyze data to make sure I know how the people around me affect me. In this episode I'm going to discuss Collection. And, in the next episode, I'll cover Analysis.
Tuesday May 14, 2013
ProdPod: Episode 64 -- Plant-Based Productivity
Tuesday May 14, 2013
Tuesday May 14, 2013
In this episode, I give you some food for thought on how plants' productivity is relative to your own and can help us be more productive. Enjoy!
- Plants don't have "bad" days.
- Whether vegetable, flower or fruit-bearing bush, plants need balance. Imbalance in the amount of light, food, fertilizer, water and other conditions and plants' flowering or growth will be severely hindered...and it may kill the plant.
- Seasons clearly affect a plants' life, but it is taken as a natural response to the ebb and flow of Nature's resources as the planet rotates around the sun.
- Plants are a diverse kingdom. For example, the arctic poppy can withstand immensely cold weather and blossom. They understand that not every kind of plant is suited for every environment, and they specialize to suit their environment.
- Plants land in a location and make the best of their time given the resources they've been handed.
- It turns out that plants are stimulated by the human voice and the sound will induce growth without the plant every responding to you. It turns out that listening is one of the plant's greatest sensory skills to adapt to its environment.
- For most plants, staying hydrated is one of it's three most vital needs.
- Plants take a lot of deep breaths throughout its existence to intake nourishments and exhales deeply to get rid of what it doesn't need.
- Plants tend toward striking a balance between function and aesthetics through a constant testing process. It doesn't experience its current form as an end, but just another point in its continual journey.
- Plants' temporal existence is easily overshadowed by its legacy of being an integral part of human's primary support network.